Turkeys in Augusta

We spent last week in Augusta, GA. Thanksgiving was the reason for the trip and the Brisons didn't disappoint. There was ham, fried turkey, raosted turkey, homemade greens, corn pudding... So full...

We stayed at a nice B in downtown Augusta. I would call it a B&B but the second B was down the street at the Sunrise Grill. They served good southern chow: grits, eggs and bacon; all the while classic rock played in the background. Breakfast isn't complete without hearing Free Bird.

We're in Susan's old stompin' ground, lovingly refered to as Disgusta, so she'll be our tour guide. The first stop is Sacred Heart, the site of her high school graduation.

The cathedral ceiling is breathtaking. Susan is up front to give you a sense of scale. This photo was taken about 20 feet up from the choir loft.

All the pews were removed many decades ago for use in another Catholic Church in Augusta. Renovations were done after much vandalism but the pews were never replaced.

Later we toured Enterprise Mill located on the Augusta Canal.

The mill's museum was completely overrun by school children. I did manage to get a few photos without the screaming kids, or the worthless chaperons.

Back in my day we had chaperons that actually kept us brats in line. Those parents ought to be ashamed of themselves. But I digress...

During this trip I finally managed to score a trip to Sconyers! This has eluded me on my previous trips because they're only open about 3 days a week.

I must say it was worth the wait. The BBQ Pork Plate is enough to feed about 3 adults. I got through about half of it before I had to quit. I recommend you get the small.

We never saw that quaint little golf course everyone speaks of because golf is pretty terrible.


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